Subscription Information

studioXpresents The Studio subscriptions reoccur monthly or annually. The Pole Studio includes pole based tutorials. Off the Pole Studio includes tutorials that do not require a pole. The Whole Studio includes the Pole Studio, Off the Pole Studio and all specialty courses.

Monthly subscription members pay monthly while annual subscription members pay upfront featuring a lower price.

On the Pole Studio


Unlimited access to pole tutorials
Includes: dance basics
Excludes: off the pole & specialty course

Off the Pole Studio


Unlimited access to non-pole tutorials
Includes: floor, chair, burlesque, dance basics
Excludes: pole based & specialty course

The Whole Studio


Unlimited access to all tutorials
Includes: pole, floor, chair, burlesque, dance basics & specialty courses

 what level am i?

  • You have a basic understanding of how to walk around a pole & standard grip overview from our Intro course. Most movements in this level are upright but we may transition into inverted movements. We will review both floor based moves, climbing and aerial moves.

  • You have a thorough understanding of beginner level, upright pole moves and climbing. In this level, we will review inverting, aerial and inverted movements.

  • You have a solid understanding of pole dancing both on and off the floor, both upright and inverted. Pre-reqs for this level are brass monkey, aerial butterfly, leg hangs and cupid. We will be doing both aerial and floor based moves that may require a crash mat.