Buy A Pole


Are you ready to buy a pole for your home but you’re not sure where to get started? We’re here to help!

There are a ton of different brands of poles but be careful, not all brands are made the same or regulated the same. Our team highly recommends X-Pole, Lupit Poles or The Pole. That’s not to say there aren’t other great brands but, we work with these most consistently and find them to be highly dependable and safe.

Types of Poles

Although there are many different types of poles, here are the major players you should be aware of:
Permanent Mount - permanently mounted into floor and ceiling with hardware
Semi-Permanent Mount - expansion mounted between floor and ceiling, like a really big shower curtain rod
Stage Pole - portable pole atop a weighted stage base

Pole Finishes

Poles can come in a variety of finishes but these are the most common:
Stainless Steel - best for sensitive skin
Brass - best for high humidity, brushed metal
Chrome Plated - typically stainless steel base with chrome exterior, similar to stainless steel poles
Silicone - silicone wrap around metal pole, high grip, sticks to clothing, can irritate skin
Powder Coated - great for skin or clothing
Please note that the texture of your pole can differ based on not only brand but also finish. Some poles feel slick while others can feel tacky or grippy.

Pole Sizes

Poles come in varying heights but they also come in varying widths. Most commonly used width in the US is 45mm but you can find anything from 38mm to 60mm depending on how you are using your pole. Dance poles tend to range from 45mm-50mm at most studios in the US.